1. Scott Contracting pouring last section of E.B. Arapahoe Road.
2. LV Contracting building embankment up for new S.B. Parker Road, South of the bridge.
During work this afternoon, the scraper LV was using got stuck in a watered down trench. I talked to the operator and apparently this happens all the time. I thought it was great, so I took a few pictures and a video. The pictures are where the scraper was stuck, the video is when the excavator came to help pull it out.
(Sorry the quality of the video isn't very good. Blogger isn't really helping.)
3. LV Contracting building embankment up for new S.B. Parker Road, North of the bridge.
4. WL Contractors wiring light boxes at several locations inside the loop ramp.
*Conducted EEO interviews with three employees.
5. Hamon preparing subgrade for additional paving of E.B. Arapahoe Road, West of bridge.
6. Scott Contracting setting forms on of E.B. Arapahoe Road, West of bridge. See Above.
*Conducted EEO interviews with two employees.
7. JDR Irrigation and Landscaping setting rock socks and hay bales, mitigating erosion control issues.
8. LV removing soil from median of Parker Road, South of the bridge.
9. Monthly Audit Review (MAR)
10. Scott Contracting drilling holes for dowel bars, new pavement at E.B. Arapahoe Road.